RAS Safety Solutions

Ras Safety MSME

Fire Safety Assessment

Fire can be catastrophic for a business in causing harm to employees, customers and the community, damage to premises, loss of stock and materials and interruption to business. While Fire Safety is an essential legal responsibility for businesses, its potential impact means that it is an important risk to be managed.

RAS Safety Solutions and their specialist fire safety consultants work with clients big and small to help them not only fulfil their legal responsibilities but also to manage the risks to their business of interruption, damage and accident caused by fire. We tailor the approach to the specific fire safety consultancy needs of our clients and the nature of their business across many aspects of managing Fire Risk and conducting Fire Safety Assessments.

Ras safety solution

Fire risk assessments

Fire Safety management

Fire Safety Drills

Fire Strategy

Evaluates Fire Risks and audits current systems and processes to first ensure that fire safety procedures are maintained in accordance with legislation and secondly to identify and highlight specific risks and issues relating to Fire safety that require managing.

Developing systems and processes to prevent fire, to control and contain fires that do occur and to manage evacuation and escape of people safety and quickly.

We develop and test fire safety emergency and evacuation plan of the clients with adequate and competent supervision by actively participating in the emergency drill events.

For many of our clients, fire safety is not just about making sure the business is compliant and has appropriate policies in place in the event of fire; it’s about planning for business continuity, integrating fire safety into new premise development or office moves and evaluating fire risks throughout their supply chain.

Fire risk assessments

Evaluates Fire Risks and audits current systems and processes to first ensure that fire safety procedures are maintained in accordance with legislation and secondly to identify and highlight specific risks and issues relating to Fire safety that require managing.

Fire Safety management

Developing systems and processes to prevent fire, to control and contain fires that do occur and to manage evacuation and escape of people safety and quickly.

Fire Safety Drills

We develop and test fire safety emergency and evacuation plan of the clients with adequate and competent supervision by actively participating in the emergency drill events.

Fire Strategy

For many of our clients, fire safety is not just about making sure the business is compliant and has appropriate policies in place in the event of fire; it’s about planning for business continuity, integrating fire safety into new premise development or office moves and evaluating fire risks throughout their supply chain.